Feb 1, 2015

Meet Gabrielle

Wow! It's now been more than four months since my last post. And it's been a very busy four months too. 

About three weeks after I broke my arm, my son, Matthew fell from a ladder and broke his arm too! He also had two hairline fractures in his pelvis and one on his tailbone. He was in a LOT of pain. We posed for a picture together-we tried to find a little humor in the situation.

When this pic was taken Matthew and his wife, Elise, were expecting a baby---any day now! Matthew couldn't walk at all and when they went to the hospital exactly one week after his accident he was the one that needed to be pushed down the hall in a wheelchair. But babies have their own timelines and agendas and they don't care if it's convenient for you or not-they arrive when they are good and ready. With that said........

Meet Gabrielle. She was born October 12, 2014 (That's 10/12/14!) and is the latest bit of perfection and joy in our lives. She is grandbaby #8 and granddaughter #7 and she is a bundle of deliciousness. :) 

Gabby is just a few minutes old 

She looks so happy to be here

I was so happy to get to the hospital and meet her!

Sooo sweet!

She started growing up way too fast-
and look at all that hair!!

Before I knew it Christmas was upon us. I'm so glad that Gabby and her parents were here to spend it with us.

At three months those smiles are melting hearts every where she goes.

Hugs and Kisses, Gabby. I love you!


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