Jun 11, 2012

Dog Beds From Scraps

I have been trying to "go green" as much as possible.  I recycle all my glass, plastic, aluminum and newspapers. I use my own fabric shopping bags instead of plastic from the store. I also try to re-use instead of throwing away. Even when I am quilting I am thinking of the environment. Instead of throwing my fabrics scraps into the trash, I save them all in a large bag in my quilt room. I include any strip that I cut off when I am squaring up my fabric, a tiny dog ear I trim off of a half-square triangle, and that 1/2" that is left over from a strip you have cut squares from. I save it all-no piece is too small! It is amazing how fast it adds up too. I throw in little pieces of batting and even a few threads here and there. When my scrap bag is full, I stuff it all into a pillowcase or two and sew it closed. I then donate them to the humane society in my local community. It makes a great dog bed for a stray animal. They can choose to rewash or throw away when they are finished with the bed, but in the meantime, that pup had a great place to sleep at night and all it cost me was the time and energy it took to throw my scraps into a bag instead of the trash. 

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